Ukraine to receive $730 million for demining equipment from partners by 2034
A total of 51 million euros ($53 million) has already been raised, said Ruslan Berehulia, the head of the mine action department.
A total of 51 million euros ($53 million) has already been raised, said Ruslan Berehulia, the head of the mine action department.
The package builds upon 20 million Australian dollars ($12.6 million) that the Australia-based charity, founded by Andrew and Nicola Forrest, has already provided for demining, food and energy security, and the protection of children.
The project aims to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian demining, test innovations, and share experiences between Ukrainian and international partners, the Defense Ministry's statement read.
Ukraine's State Emergency Service announced Jan. 18 that it received three specialized demining vehicles from Slovenia.
Editor’s Note: This story was sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine. When a sapper with the call sign "Boroda" asked his friends, the founders of the Rovertech company, to create something for demining, and provided them with his own sketch, they seized on the idea.