Serhii Popko, head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, reported via Telegram that around 4:00 a.m. local time, Russian forces launched a missile attack on the capital during the early hours of Dec. 11. Debris reportedly fell in the Darnytskyi and Holosiivskyi districts of the city.
"This morning the enemy tried to launch a missile attack on Kyiv," the post reads. "The scenario was similar to that of exactly one month ago, on November 11, when ballistic missiles were fired at the capital. Today, on December 11, at approximately 4:00 a.m., the Russians launched another missile attack, this time with ballistic missiles. "
According to the Ukrainian Air Force, anti-aircraft defense destroyed eight air targets.
According to Popko, two residents were injured in the Darnytskyi region. One man, 31 years old, suffered a shrapnel injury to the lower limbs. The second individual, a 33-year-old woman, suffered an acute reaction to stress. Medical aid was provided on the spot.
Also in Darnytskyi, a fire reportedly broke out in an unfinished residential building as a result of a falling rocket fragment. Another piece of debris fell on a lawn in the district, but damage to nearby houses was reported.
Emergency services also responded to a call in the Holosiivskyi district after smoke was reported on the roof of a residential building, likely due to the fall of rocket fragments. However, Serhii Popko later stated that the damage in Holosiivskyi was not confirmed.