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Rheinmetall to deliver 8 more rescue stations to Ukraine

by Kateryna Denisova August 9, 2024 11:14 PM 2 min read
Forward Surgical Team stations (FST). (Rheinmetall AG)
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Ukraine's Defense Ministry has ordered the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall to supply eight additional Forward Surgical Team stations (FST) for the country's army, the company said on Aug. 9.

The FSTs are container-based rescue units for mounted operations that are intended for use on the frontline.

The systems are equipped with modern medical equipment, including an X-ray container, operating room and intensive care unit, in line with the standards of a modern hospital, the company said.

The order is part of a German government initiative and is expected to be completed by end 2026.

"The medical care facilities from Rheinmetall are highly mobile, very fast operational and quality-wise on the highest standard. The newly placed order underlines that our first deliveries to Ukraine's concerning medical technology have proven their worth," said Armin Papperger, CEO of Rheinmetall.

For transporting each rescue unit, Rheinmetall will also provide Kyiv with a mobile component consisting of three Rheinmetall MAN military vehicles trucks with trailers.

Next to the FST stations, Ukrainian personnel will receive a week-long training program in Germany, according to Rheinmetall.

In late July, Rheinmetall announced that it had received an order from the Ukrainian government to begin the construction of an ammunition factory in Ukraine. The company previously said it planned to open at least four production plants in Ukraine.

Germany delivers Leopard 1 tanks, other aid to Ukraine
The eight Leopard 1 A5 tanks with spare parts were delivered under a joint project with Denmark, the German government said on July 29.

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