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The European Commission will not propose implementing a ban on Russian liquified natural gas (LNG) imports in its upcoming sanctions package amid concern among member states about first securing an alternative from other countries, including the United States, EU diplomats told Reuters on Jan. 29.
A Russian drone struck a residential building in the northeastern city of Sumy overnight on Jan. 30, injuring at least seven people, local authorities reported.
Georgia withdrew its delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Jan. 29 after the Assembly passed a resolution calling for Tbilisi to hold new parliamentary elections.
"Allies are on track to deliver on the pledge made at the Washington summit," a NATO press statement said following a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council on Jan. 29.
Following an initial report into U.S.-funded projects affected by the freeze, Zelensky said the government was prioritizing the energy sector, military veterans, and border crossings.
The Kyiv Independent's Martin Fornusek sat down with Poland's charge d'affairs in Kyiv, Piotr Lukasiewicz, to discuss why Poland stands out among Ukraine's allies and how to approach the most painful chapters of the shared Polish-Ukrainian history.
Within the last six months, 93 companies in Ukraine have removed signs of Russian ownership and continue to do business in the country, despite a moratorium on altering the registration of companies with Russian owners, the monitoring service Opendatabot reported.
The Finnish company Insta describes the system as a combination of an "explosive charge and a drone." The drone can be used to transport an explosive charge that can detonate above a target.
Drones operated by the SBU and the Special Operations Forces attacked the oil pumping station, which is part of the Baltic Pipeline System-2 operated by Russian state-owned oil pipeline company Transneft.
The demand was allegedly raised during the first negotiations between Syrian officials and a Kremlin delegation following Assad's ouster in December. After his overthrow by rebels, Assad fled to Moscow, where he now resides.
The sanctions will also cut off more Russian banks from the SWIFT banking system, and target an additional 70 vessels suspected to be part of Russia’s "shadow-fleet."
According to a military intelligence source, the Lukoil oil depot in the city of Kstovo was targeted by four drones, all of which struck their target and caused "significant damage."