Ukrainian forces have successfully advanced near the village of Staromaiorske in Donetsk Oblast, the General Staff of Ukraine's spokesperson Andrii Kovalyov said on July 26.
Ukrainian forces are being entrenched in their new positions, he said.
The Russian army "continues to put up strong resistance, shift units, and actively use reserves," added Kovalyov.
On July 25, Kovalyov reported that the Ukraine had driven out Russian forces at Staromaiorske, which is located in the far west of Donestk Oblast.
Ukrainian forces continue to advance in the Bakhmut, Melitopol and Berdyansk directions.
Ukrainian forces entered the village of Andriivka south of Bakhmut on July 25, following a Russian retreat.
On July 24, Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said that Ukraine made steady advances along Bakhmut's southern flank over the past week, liberating four square kilometers.