Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said Ukraine has the capability to conduct offensive operations in an interview with Foreign Affairs published on May 2.
“So I would tell you that the Ukrainians right now have the capability to attack, they can conduct offensive operations, and they also have the capability to defend, significantly enhanced from what they were just a year ago for conventional operations,” Milley said.
He added that NATO helped to train and equip “about nine brigades worth of combined arms, armor, and mechanized infantry-type forces” over the last several months.
Milley did not comment on the Ukrainian counteroffensive plans to avoid speculation.
When asked about possible counteroffensive outcomes, Milley said it is unlikely either side will achieve its political objectives this year. However, as the costs for Russia in the war continue to increase, Milley predicts a change to the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's calculus.
“He [Putin] could do it tonight; he could end the war tonight. Of course, he has political constraints internal to Russian politics,” Milley said. "But they’re going to have to figure that out because they’re not going to win.”