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Belarus sends more troops, aircraft to border with Ukraine

by Abbey Fenbert August 20, 2024 4:58 AM 1 min read
Barbed wire on Ukrainian- Belarusian border on Feb. 13, 2024 in Volyn Oblast. Airspace monitoring is carried out with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles. (Yevhenii Vasyliev/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images)
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Belarus has deployed additional air defense troops and aircraft to its border with Ukraine, Maj. Gen. Andrey Lukyanovich, commander of the Belarusian Air Defense Forces, announced on Aug. 19.

The announcement comes shortly after Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko said he had sent a third of the nation's army to the border this summer. Lukashenko claimed the buildup of troops along the border was the result of a misunderstanding between Belarus and Ukraine.

Speaking on national television, Lukyanovich said that in addition to aircraft, the Belarusian military moved anti-aircraft missiles and radio-technical units to the border. He also said it was a significant increase of border troops.

Lukashenko on Aug. 9 ordered additional troops to the border after reports that Belarusian air defense shot down multiple aerial targets from Ukraine. Lukashenko alleged that the targets were Ukrainian drones, though a monitoring group disputed the claim and called the accusation "nonsense."

Ukraine's State Border Guard Service reported on Aug. 11 that there were no signs of reinforcements along the border with Belarus, despite Lukashenko's order.

Kyiv has not confirmed Lukyanovich's claims regarding additional Belarusian troops and weapons at the border.

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6:57 PM  (Updated: )

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The U.K. announced a new 600-million-pound ($781 million) aid package for Ukraine on Sept. 11, as U.K. Foreign Secretary David Lammy visited Kyiv together with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

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