The director of Moscow's Bolshoi Theater, Vladimir Urin, admitted in an interview that directors who have spoken out against the Russian invasion of Ukraine are removed from the theater's repertoire, Russian independent media outlet Meduza reported on Sept. 14.
Urin was discussing the opera and ballet peformances the Bolshoi produces in an interview with Russian state newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
While some performances no longer are staged for legal reasons, as the license has run out and cannot be renewed, others are specifically cancelled because the creator spoke out against Russia's invasion.
Urin claimed that he could not allow them to be performed as they would cause "a very serious negative reaction."
In these cases, the names of the creators of the performances have "disappeared from the posters," according to the director.
Though Russian society "is now truly polarized," Urin alleges there has been no change "in terms of interest in the theater or the occupancy of the auditorium."
In fact, the audience now has a "more energetic" response to the shows in light of the current "socio-political situation," he claimed.