Ukrainian forces carried out a precision strike against a command post of Russia's 8th Combined Arms Army in Russian-occupied Khartsyzk in Donetsk Oblast, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces reported on Jan. 8.
The military said that Russia has seized the facility to coordinate attacks against Ukrainian forces and civilians, especially in Kurakhove. After weeks of heavy battles, Russia announced earlier this week it had fully captured Kurakhove.
"All necessary measures were taken to limit the risk to civilians," the General Staff noted. Khartsyzk lies around 25 kilometers (15 miles) east of the Russian-held Donetsk and has been occupied by Russia since the start of its aggression in 2014.
The General Staff did not specify what weapon was used in the attack or the extent of the damage inflicted. Ukraine fields homemade missiles and long-range drones as well as Western-supplied arms like HIMARS, ATACMS, or Storm Shadow missiles.
Similar attacks were reported in recent days, including a precision strike against a Russian command post in Kursk Oblast on Jan. 7 and another one in the same region on Jan. 2.
Earlier on Jan. 8, the Ukrainian military announced a successful long-range attack against a Russian oil depot in Saratov Oblast that provided fuel to the nearby Engels-2 airbase.