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The Kyiv Independent editor-in-chief wins Women of Europe award

by The Kyiv Independent news desk December 9, 2022 11:28 PM 1 min read
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The Kyiv Independent Editor-in-Chief Olga Rudenko was announced as the winner of the Women of Europe award in the “Woman in Action” category on Dec. 8.

The award is presented by the European Women Lobby and the European Movement, a network of organizations that mobilizes citizens and advocates for European integration.

The award ceremony took place on Dec. 8 in Brussels. Rudenko gave an acceptance speech from Kyiv via video.

Other winners were Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who received the “Woman in Power” prize; Laura De Dilectis, CEO of DonnexStrada, who was recognized as the “Woman in Business”; and Viviane Ogou, the founder of Puerta de África, who won the Youth Activism Award.

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