The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has launched a criminal investigation following media reports alleging that Ukraine’s spy chief made a statement about a threat to the country’s existence during a closed-door parliamentary meeting, Ukrainska Pravda reported on Jan. 31, citing the SBU.
The case was opened under the legal provision on the disclosure of state secrets.
Ukrainska Pravda published an article on Jan. 27 claiming that Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine’s military intelligence (HUR), warned of serious consequences for Ukraine’s existence if negotiations do not begin by the summer.
The report, which cited an unnamed lawmaker who attended the meeting, did not specify what developments Budanov was allegedly referring to.
HUR denied the report, calling the alleged quote attributed to Budanov “false.”
The SBU said the investigation involves individuals who had access to the classified session in parliament.
"We act within the law and strictly adhere to professional journalistic standards. Ukrainska Pravda, as always, stands by its sources, which are protected under Ukrainian and international law," said Sevgil Musayeva, Ukrainska Pravda's editor-in-chief.
The reports come amid growing speculation about potential peace talks, as U.S. President Donald Trump has pledged to bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table.