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Russia’s proxies in Kherson Oblast announce displacement of people with disabilities

by The Kyiv Independent news desk December 2, 2022 3:53 PM 1 min read
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Moscow-installed proxies in the region said they plan to start the so-called “evacuation” of bedridden and immobile residents from the city of Kakhovka on the east bank of the Dnipro River to the area near the city of Henichesk on the Azov Sea.

Ukraine liberated the southern city of Kherson and some other settlements of the oblast as Russia’s withdrawal from the west bank of the Dnipro River in early November. Kakhovka and Nova Kakhovka are two smaller cities just north of Kherson. Being on the east bank of the river, they remain occupied by the Russian forces.

Before that, amid Ukraine’s counter-offensive, Russia was conducting a forced relocation campaign in Kherson Oblast, calling it “evacuation.”

Tens of thousands of residents were ordered to relocate either to the east of the river or deeper into the region.

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