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"I never thought it would have such a big impact on them because they were so influenced by the idea of 'invincible Russia,'" President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview on Ukrainian television released on Jan. 2.
Ukraine will not hold elections under martial law even if Russia puts it forward as one of the pre-conditions for negotiations, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview on Ukrainian television released on Jan. 2.
The amount of oil spilled in the Kerch Strait by two Russian oil tankers is "significantly less than the initial estimate," Russia's Transport Ministry claimed on Jan. 2.
The Bureau of Industry and Security said on Jan. 2 that the involvement of foreign adversaries in "supply chains, including acute threats from China and Russia – may offer our adversaries the ability to remotely access and manipulate these devices, exposing sensitive U.S. data."
The strike targeted the 810th Russian Brigade, resulting in significant losses, according to Andrii Kovalenko, head of Ukraine’s counter-disinformation center.
Two Russian helicopters were downed in a recent strike by the Ukrainian-made Magura V5 naval strike drones, Ukraine's military intelligence agency (HUR) reported on its Telegram channel. HUR earlier said on Dec. 31 that only one helicopter had been destroyed.
“These conversations must be held again and again in order to find out what can be done to finally put an end to the killing and the dying,” the leader of Germany’s social-democratic party (SPD) Saskia Esken told German television news channel N-Tv on Jan. 2.
Ukraine’s electricity import increased more than fivefold in 2024 to 4.4 million megawatt-hours (MWh), ExPro consulting company’s electricity monitoring data showed on Jan. 2.
Russia launched 72 drones, including Iranian-designed Shahed ones, against Ukraine overnight on Jan. 2, Ukraine's Air Force reported on its Telegram channel.
A Russian attack overnight killed a civilian in the town of Stepnohirsk in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Governor Ivan Fedorov reported on his Telegram channel on Jan. 2.