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Illustrated map of Ukraine, with Sumy Oblast noted in red. (Ruslan Maiborodin)
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Russian forces attacked 10 settlements along the Sumy Oblast border on May 25, the regional military administration reported.

The communities of Znob-Novhorodske, Krasnopillia, Myropillia, Seredyna-Buda, Esman, Bilopillia, Velyka Pysarivka, Shalyhyne, Khotin, and Nova Sloboda came under fire throughout the day.

The attacks caused 174 recorded explosions in the area. The village of Znob-Novhorodske endured the heaviest assault, with 59 explosions caused by Russian artillery, mortars, and  Grad MLRS.

No casualties or damage to civilian infrastructure were reported.

Daily attacks are a matter of course in the heavily assailed communities along Ukraine's northeastern border with Russia.

Russian strikes against Sumy Oblast have become increasingly destructive in recent months, with Ukrainian authorities ordering further evacuations from the region.

The State Border Guard Service warned on May 21 that the possibility of a new Russian offensive against Sumy Oblast cannot be ruled out.

One night with Ukrainian drone hunters near Russia
Editor’s note: Due to the security protocols of the Ukrainian military, soldiers featured in this story are identified solely by first names and call signs. SUMY OBLAST – Soldiers from one of Ukraine’s 117th Territorial Defense Brigade mobile air defense squads call themselves fowlers. The unit’s…

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