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Economy Ministry: Ukraine’s private sector to receive $2 billion package from US financial orgnization

by The Kyiv Independent news desk December 16, 2022 5:49 PM 1 min read
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The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a Washington D.C.-based financial institution and member of the World Bank Group, supported the program of financing Ukrainian businesses for $2 billion, according to Ukraine's Economy Ministry.

The IFC said that up to $1 billion of the $2 billion response package will come from the organization's own funds, with further funding conditioned on guarantees from donor governments.

The response package will support infrastructure, agriculture, production and commerce, and small-and-medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine during the next two years.

IFC board allowed working with Ukraine’s state-owned companies as an exception for the country, Economy Minister Yulia Svyrydenko said.The IFC support and investment insurance until the war's end is “a positive sign for many investors,” Svyrydenko said.

EU leaders agree on 18 billion euros aid package to Ukraine for next year

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