Since March, Ukrainians have filed over 325,000 reports of damaged or destroyed residences through the Ukrainian government's e-services applications, Olena Shulyak, lawmaker and head of the ruling Servant of the People Party, said on Feb. 14, Ukrinform reports.
The reports cover more than 22.5 million square meters of damaged and destroyed housing, she said.
According to Shulyak, the actual figure could be much higher because not everyone eligible has provided data on damages or destruction.
Shulyak also said that Kyiv has already found 17 billion hryvnias ($465 million) to compensate those whose homes have either been damaged or destroyed.
The funds, according to the lawmaker, are the first funds seized from Russia's Sberbank as part of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's Fund for the Liquidation of the Consequences of Russian Aggression initiative.
"And we hope will receive more and more such funds because sanctions work is underway and work is underway regarding various arrests," the deputy added.