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Police chief: Children find anti-personnel mine placed in backpack in Mykolaiv Oblast

by The Kyiv Independent news desk December 16, 2022 3:27 PM 1 min read
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Local children discovered an armed PMN-2 anti-personnel mine inside a backpack in liberated Sniihurivka, according to Mykolaiv Oblast police chief Serhii Shaikhet, and Vitalii Kim, the oblast governor. Local police were alerted to the presence of the mine, which was later removed and destroyed by a bomb disposal unit, the officials said.

Earlier, Shaikhet reported on Dec. 15 that a 26-year-old resident of Snihurivka district had found two Russian anti-personnel mines and brought them home, where they exploded, killing him and wounding another person.

According to Serhii Kruk, who heads Ukraine’s State Emergency Service, about 30% of Ukrainian territory is mined due to Russia’s full-scale war, equal to twice the area of Austria.

Cases of doors, household items, and even dead bodies being rigged with booby traps have been recorded in liberated territories across Ukraine.

Ukrainian teacher risked prison in Siberia to expose collaborators in occupied Snihurivka

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