Zaporizhzhia Oblast Governor Oleksandr Starukh wrote on Telegram overnight on Oct. 10 that Russian forces had once again struck the city of Zaporizhzhia, saying there had been "around 10 strikes." Starukh did not provide any details on casualties or damages.
Russia launched 12 airstrikes on Zaporizhzhia overnight on Oct. 9, killing 14 people and injuring 70, including 14 children. The Oct. 9 attack severely damaged a nine-story residential building, with one of the building's sections completely destroyed. Just a few days prior on Oct. 6, Russian forces also struck the city with missiles, killing 19 people.
And on Sept. 30, at least 31 civilians were killed and another 92 wounded after Russia fired S-300 missiles at a convoy of civilian cars waiting to cross the contact line south out of Zaporizhzhia city to territories occupied by Russia in the oblast.
Russia has intensified attacks on Zaporizhzhia after claiming to have annexed Zaporizhzhia Oblast, along with three other partially occupied Ukrainian regions. Unlike in Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kherson oblasts, Zaporizhzhia is the only regional capital Russia claims to have annexed but that in fact remains under Ukrainian control.