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Governor: It will take at least 10 years to demine occupied Luhansk Oblast

by The Kyiv Independent news desk November 5, 2022 8:29 PM 1 min read
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Demining the entire Luhansk Oblast would take at least 10 years, according to its governor Serhiy Haidai. The region is now almost entirely occupied by Russian forces.

When Luhansk Oblast is liberated, Ukrainian authorities will first start demining highways and critical infrastructure sites, Haidai said on national TV on Nov. 5.

However, he pointed out, it will be a difficult process due to the extremely heavy fighting and shelling of the region, which leaves many unexploded shells.

"One sector of the front line can sometimes get hit by 100 shells an hour," Haidai said.

The U.S. State Department announced on Nov. 1 launching $91.5 million in demining assistance to the Ukrainian government to locate and remove landmines, unexploded and abandoned ordnance, improvised explosive devices, and other explosive hazards from civilian areas.

Haidai asked the U.S. and international organizations to further assist Ukraine in demining.

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