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Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gives an interview in Yerevan on July 21, 2023. (Karen Minasyan/AFP via Getty Images)
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The Council of the European Union for the first time approved assistance under the European Peace Facility (EPF) to support the Armenian Armed Forces with 10 million euros ($10.8 million), according to the council's July 22 statement.

Armenia has long maintained close ties with Russia but is now seeking to distance itself from Moscow. Russian "peacekeepers" did nothing to prevent Azerbaijan's lightning offensive into Nagorno-Karabakh last September.

Disappointed with Russia and fearing renewed hostilities with Baku, Yerevan has been turning West for new partnerships.

EU ambassadors approved the launch of a visa-free dialogue with Armenia last week and, for the first time in history, agreed to allocate military aid from the EPF to the country.

The EU's financial support aims to strengthen the Armenian Armed Forces' logistical capacity and contribute to improving civilian protection during crises and emergencies, according to the council's statement.

The aid will also help to accelerate the interoperability of Armenian forces in case the country may participate in future international military missions and operations, including those deployed by the EU.

"Security is an increasingly important element of our bilateral relations with Armenia. This European Peace Facility measure will further contribute to the country's resilience," the EU's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said.

"We have a mutual interest to further scale up our dialogue on foreign and security policy, also looking into Armenia's future participation in EU-led missions and operations," Borrell added.

Despite ongoing talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, there are fears that Baku may launch a fresh offensive targeting Armenia itself. Azerbaijani officials have denied such intentions.

The European Peace Facility (EPF) was established in March 2021 to finance actions under the common foreign and security policy to prevent conflicts, preserve peace, and strengthen international security and stability.

Ukraine also received financial assistance through this facility. Funding to the EPF is provided through tranches that individual member states can block.

Armenia to hold military drills with US amid worsening relations with Russia
Armenia has long been close with Russia, but is now seeking to distance itself, repeatedly accusing Moscow of being an unreliable partner.

News Feed

3:59 AM  (Updated: )

Russian drones hit apartment building, kindergarten in Kyiv.

Debris from intercepted drones hit the yard of an apartment building in the city's Pechersk district and a kindergarten in the Dniprovsky district, authorities said. No casualties have been reported.

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