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Polish President Duda, Lithuanian PM Simonyte make remarks from Kyiv on Independence Day

by Nate Ostiller and The Kyiv Independent news desk August 24, 2024 6:39 PM 2 min read
Polish President Andrzej Duda (L), President Volodymyr Zelensky (C), and Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte (R) in Kyiv on Aug. 24, 2024. (President Volodymyr Zelensky/X)
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Polish President Andrzej Duda and Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte spoke in Kyiv alongside President Volodymyr Zelensky on Ukraine's Independence Day on Aug. 24.

Ukraine celebrates Independence Day on Aug. 24, the day the country's Declaration of Independence was issued in 1991. The holiday has gained increased popular support and significance since Russia's invasion of Donbas in 2014. It is the third Independence Day Ukraine has marked since the beginning of the full-scale war.

In a speech delivered in Ukrainian, Simonyte said, "It is a great honor and a great joy for me to be here on this day and to celebrate the independence of Ukraine together with the free and indomitable people of Ukraine."

"Lithuania has been and will be with Ukraine at every step towards the goal (of ensuring that Russian war criminals are punished)," Simonyte said.

"We are doing and will continue to do everything to bring victory, the victory of light over darkness, the victory of good over evil, the victory of free people, which we will celebrate together, with light, with gas, and without Russia."

In a post on X, Simonyte said that the Lithuanian government "will meet and most likely surpass the undertaken commitment to spend 0.25% of GDP on defense and security aid to Ukraine."

According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, which tracks international aid for Ukraine, Lithuania has allocated 501 million euros ($560 million) in support for Ukraine.

Duda said, "We, Poles, know that independence is not given once and for all. In our history, we experienced tragic moments, we lost sovereignty twice and twice restored it with superhuman efforts."

"I have never had, and do not have, the slightest doubt that, through their united efforts and struggle, the courageous Ukrainian people will uphold their independence. Although Ukraine is currently battling the Russian aggressor, fiercely fighting for its independence, I am confident that the war will soon conclude with the triumph of freedom over tyranny."

"Out of the darkness of war and the devastation of scorched territories, a new world will emerge," the Polish president said.

Poland is one of Ukraine's most steadfast supporters. According to the Kiel Institute, Poland has allocated 4.3 billion euros ($4.8 billion) to Ukraine.

‘Ukrainian response will reach any point in Russia’ — Zelensky’s Independence Day address
Editor’s note: This is the transcript of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s address released by the President’s Office on Aug. 24, 2024, Ukraine’s 33rd Independence Day. “Dear people! Ukrainians always pay back their debts. And whoever wished misery upon our land shall find it in their own home. With…

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