Over the past week, Ukrainian forces destroyed 711 units of Russian military equipment, as well as 7,029 Russian troops, First Deputy Defense Minister Oleksandr Pavliuk reported on Telegram on Nov. 19.
According to Pavliuk, starting from Nov. 13, Russia has lost 86 tanks, 94 armored personnel carriers, 185 artillery systems, 17 multiple-launch rockets systems (MLRS), eight air-defense systems, 170 vehicles, and 18 units of some special equipment.
Apart from that, Ukrainian forces have also destroyed 123 Russian drones as well as one aircraft, Pavliuk said.
Earlier in the day, the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces reported that Russia has lost 318,570 troops in Ukraine since the beginning of its full-scale invasion on Feb. 24.
This number includes 1,190 casualties Russian forces suffered just over the past day.