President Volodymyr Zelensky on Feb. 26 announced a new economic platform to facilitate permanent dialogue between the state and businesses called "Made in Ukraine."
The president made the announcement during a forum held under the same name in Kyiv, attended by over 400 entrepreneurs, government officials, and foreign guests.
"I am glad to announce today the launch of our new economic platform, and therefore a new economic policy - the Made in Ukraine policy," Zelensky said.
"We have to win (the war), it is a matter of our survival. And in order for Ukraine to have all the necessary resources for its victory, then Ukrainian goods, Ukrainian services, Ukrainian consumption, and Ukrainian exports, that is, Ukrainian entrepreneurs, must also win."
According to the president, Ukraine has already made progress in modernizing and simplifying state institutions so that they can contribute to the country's economy, adding that it is time to add further tools for this purpose.
"This platform – 'Made in Ukraine' – should become a platform for constant direct dialogue between the state and our entrepreneurs. The interests of everyone who works in Ukraine, who works transparently and for the sake of Ukraine, that is, pays taxes in Ukraine and does not work in Russia, should be represented here," according to Zelensky.
All representatives of the legislative and executive branches of the government will participate in the platform's activities, he added.
Speaking at the forum, Zelensky also called for a new "moral contract" with "clear moral rules" between the businesses and the state, saying that "anyone who follows such rules should receive full support from the state."