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UK Defense Ministry: Russia unlikely to achieve 'significant breakthrough' near Bahkmut in coming weeks

by The Kyiv Independent news desk January 3, 2023 10:20 AM 1 min read
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In its daily update posted on Jan. 3, the U.K. Defense Ministry said that the number of infantry assaults by the Russian military and the Wagner Group members near Bakhmut peaked in mid-December. However, the ministry said that these operations were "poorly supported."

In the past 10 days, Ukraine has made “significant reinforcements" in the Bakhmut sector, while the frequency of Russian infantry attempts to advance has likely decreased, according to the ministry.

"Both sides have suffered high casualties," the report reads.

"Russian offensive operations in the area are now likely being conducted at only platoon or section level. It is unlikely Russia will achieve a significant breakthrough near Bakhmut in the coming weeks."

The area near Bakhmut, a city in eastern Donetsk Oblast, has been the site of the heaviest hostilities along the entire front line in the past months.

Earlier on Jan. 1, the Institute for the Study of War said that the depletion of the Russian military’s artillery ammunition stocks would likely impact their ability to conduct a high pace of operations near Bakhmut.

Donetsk Oblast Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko said on Dec. 26 that over 60% of the infrastructure in the city of Bakhmut was partially or fully destroyed due to "constant shelling."

Understanding Russia’s relentless assault on Bakhmut

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