According to a recent poll conducted by the Russian Levada Center, 68% of surveyed Russian citizens want Vladimir Putin to be re-elected in the 2024 presidential election.
Of those surveyed who want Putin to remain president after the 2024 election, 29% say that he "leads the right policy, strengthens the state," while 20% say Putin is "a good president," according to the poll.
Also, 17% of respondents believe that Putin is "pro-people and pro-stability" and that "there is no alternative."
The majority of those who want Putin re-elected are people aged 55 and older, those who trust TV as their primary source of information, and are the "wealthiest Russians," according to the poll.
Also, 39% of respondents believe that Putin expresses the interests of "law enforcement," which "has not changed much over two years," the poll says. At the same time, 29% of respondents believe that he expresses the interests of "ordinary people," which is the "highest figure for all the time of observation," according to the survey.
The next presidential election is scheduled to be held in Russia in March 2024.
This will be the first presidential election in Russia after Putin made amendments to the country's constitution back in 2020, allowing him to seek re-election.
Putin was first elected as the president of Russia in 2000, serving two terms in a row until 2008. He was elected again in 2012 and re-elected in 2018.