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An aerial view of the city center of Sumy, Ukraine. (RoNeDya / Getty Images)
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Russian forces used a KAB guided bomb to hit infrastructure in the northeastern city of Sumy, authorities said on April 25.

In a post on Telegram, the Sumy Regional Military Administration said damage and casualties were still being clarified.

"Russian terrorists, disregarding the rules of war and international conventions, continue to commit crimes against the civilian population of Sumy Oblast," the administration said.

Russian forces struck four communities in Sumy Oblast in six separate attacks throughout the day on April 24, the regional administration reported.

Russian strikes against Sumy Oblast have become increasingly destructive in recent months.

On April 22, two civilians were injured, and a house was damaged when Russia shelled the village of Striletska Pushkarka. The next day, Russian forces attacked the region 242 times in 51 separate attacks throughout the day, injuring four people.

Shelling is a daily occurrence for the communities near Ukraine's northeastern border with Russia, with residents in the region's vulnerable border settlements experiencing multiple attacks per day.

Russia attacks 4 communities in Sumy Oblast
Russian forces struck four communities in Ukraine’s northeastern Sumy Oblast in six separate attacks throughout the day, the regional administration reported on April 24. At least 23 explosions were reported in Sumy Oblast over the past 24 hours.

News Feed

6:00 PM

Raiffeisen Bank agrees to sell Belarusian subsidiary.

Austria-headquartered Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) agreed to sell its stake in its Belarusian subsidiary Priorbank, marking the first step toward fully withdrawing from the Belarusian market, RBI announced on Sept. 20.

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